Three happy kindy children
Parents & Guardian

Five things to do before the first day of kindy

26th July 2024
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Starting kindy is exciting, but it's normal for children (and their families) to feel nervous.
To help make the transition to kindy a positive and calm experience, we have put together five things that you can do before the first day of kindy to prepare your family for the adventure ahead
  1. Talk about kindy. Talk regularly with your child in everyday conversation about the experiences they might engage in, the friends they will make, and the interesting things they will learn.
  2. Practice mealtimes. Teach your child how to open and close their lunchbox and drink bottle, open packets of food, and identify rubbish vs recycling.
  3. Encourage independence. Encourage your child to choose their own clothes and dress themselves, pack their bags, and instil a sense of responsibility for their belongings.
  4. Play kindy at home. Make preparing for kindy fun! Pretend to be the teacher and run your child through activities similar to what they might experience at kindy. Arriving and putting their belongings away, discussion/group time, outdoor play, morning tea, indoor creative play, lunch, quiet time, and going home.
  5. Visit kindy. Our kindies don’t open their doors until the 22nd, but you can include a drive or walk past your child’s kindy during your regular outings so that they become familiar with the route and what the kindy looks like.